Tuesday, October 25, 2011

when you make an observation you have an obligation.
we have all made observations.
issues. plaguing various communities.
now. it is our obligation to walk in action.
action that will inspire, build, & empower.
observations vs. obligation.
its tough. often times rough.
we must look out for each other.
build awareness.
teach love. foster love.
all in all. walk in love.
when you make an observation you have an obligation.
it is our duty.
his duty, her duty, your duty.
we as a community duty to apply ourselves in ways of encouragement.
lets tap in to eternal gifts.
get lifted. be lifted. stay lifted. help those reach a sense of growth within.
mind. bod. soul. its an obligation.


simple peaces

african culture

deep down within my soul i have a strong desire to learn more about african culture.
[tribal music, dance, art, people, economy...] every aspect of the african experience i want to be apart of it. i want to emerge myself in it.