Wednesday, August 3, 2011

This video is so cute. I love it. Black Love, Black Couples, Black Thought. Overall it is a joy to make those you care about happy.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Poetry's Corner: Miss Mae

Poetry's Corner: Miss Mae: "Miss Sallie Mae, I hope this letter comes to you with cheer, I'd have you know it's been a frightfully rough two years I graduated with ..."

Good Sex

"God created sex for us to proclaim a spiritual truth." -Pastor Marvin Williams
I think about sex every day, it is truly a popular topic, thought which runs through the mind of every human capable of processing the thought of this bold yet lavishing gift. I say lavishing only because I view sex as a gift you lavish your partner with to feel ever most good.
However sex is described in so many ways. Used out of term and treated any kind of way. Basically the Gift God has blessed us with is dis-respected. Maybe because we live in a world where principles of growth and well doing placed in our lives as children is misrepresented in our homes, media, and everyday life period. If you ask me sex is the best gift God blessed us with. Why? Well simply because it is an act used to reproduce to bring more light to the world. Therefore sex is a glorious experience when it is ordained by God. Sex wasn’t just created as a physical act, skin to skin, “Let’s get it in” type factor.
I came across an article today while skimming through my sis Jabrilla blog spot ( which speaks on the topic of sex. Not only was this article refreshing and true but it refueled my mind. I enjoyed this article and I hope you all enjoy it to. Allowing it to speak to some areas in your life rather you are married, dating, single and mingling.
"Good Sex" By: Pastor Marvin Williams

inspiration. i love locs.

Up Early

Currently 7:01am, listening to Kim Burrell

We over come by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimony. A couple weeks ago I was reminded about my story. Not necessarily a specific story, the story we as humans live everyday. July 16, 2011 my pastor, Pastor Michael McBride of The Way Christian Center reminded his bright congregation "No Storm, No Story." He boldly made clear we all must go through a storm to produce a story. However when we go through our storm (Whatever it maybe) we should challenge ourselves to allow God to be God. Because God is present and working in our life because that is what it mean to be God. Just because we as humans decide to attend church doesn't mean we don't go through difficulties.

We often look at our current state/condition/circumstance/situation using those issues to define our lives. Sometimes keeping us from moving forward. "I may not have much in my bank account, but I have much in my soul account." God is writing the end to our story. And we must remember salvation is not a singular act. It is conversion everyday. (Ex: The Apostle Paul died to his flesh daily). We settle for things that aren't from God. We must constantly remind ourselves not to allow unqualified haters/folk to detour you from getting to God. Must continue to push through our storm to come through humble. Therefore we can use our story to bring others to the Kingdom!

I challenge you all to allow God to be God in your life.


John 9

The Way Christian Center
1305 University Ave
Berkeley Ca, 94702

**Side Note: I am without my toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, and towels. Can someone just say I smell good! Unfortunately I left my belongings at a friend house not thinking I would need these necessitates.

Monday, August 1, 2011

I came across this today as I was researching about men.


"Sometimes we allow fear to dictate what we should do. We will never get from fear what love has to give. Love is bold, confident and fearless. Why are you scared?"
A strong woman has faith
that she is strong enough for the journey
but a woman of strength has faith
that it is in the journey that she will become strong

When life gives you lemons...
Throw a mango at it...they taste better

Sunday, July 31, 2011

inspire our MOVEMENT!

motivated. uplifted.
empowered to be me to all of my God given abilities.
kings. queens. RISE.
this is the time to SHINE. we reign greatness.
...breathe a movement enabling us to move Forward.
the light within. the fight inside. the beauty of pride.
"The intense capability of your ability to reinforce your black conscious thoughts through a fuse of wonder and splendor. Helps to build an energy of new thinking, elevating the movement. Black movement. Our movement. The movement he, she, me, him, her, we breathe to continue to move forward. You gain black confidence from within. Knowing! Knowing you to, he to, she to, we to MATTER!"




Book Talk!

Today was truly a blessing,being the fact I attended my first book signing/discussion. Which ever you may call it. I was there at Barnes N Noble to hear/listen, soak in the words of DeVon Franklin author of "Produced by Faith" a book which emphasizes on the acts of faith. This book not only speaks about faith but it entails much details around the word faith from hope, joy, happiness, and every obstacle in your life causing you to let go and trust God. Therefore having faith as small as a mustard seed knowing God will be the producer/author of your story which is equivalent to our lives.

I must say the brotha dropped much knowledge. I am ever most grateful to have had the opportunity to be in the audience. Blessing. He definitely shines a light upon life, allowing God to be God. While learning to take risk and just possessing faith!

So if you don't mind I am just going to share the notes I was jotting down as I listened to a brotha full of energy share his testimony, story, movie.

My Notes:
We must do our homework to maximize opportunity and all that you are.
We must stop living in fear. fear often cause tension.
Begin to view our life as a story/movie. Can't allow current scenes dictate your life.
"The real super power is FAITH." Must remember we are victorious.
"We were not built to live life safe."
Do not allow to negative people to keep you from moving forward in life. "Some friends need to be re-casted because they was mis-casted."

**Side Notes: This was a positive event. And I am all about seeing Black folk prosper. This is all love.