Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Your Mind Is Prime Real Estate

This recession has caused huge depreciation in property...
but UR more important NOW than u've ever been!
YOUR MIND IS PRIME REAL ESTATE don't lease out any space to ANYTHING or ANYONE that won't take care of the property...Whatever has your mind has you
-Ray Murray
Focus Scripture: Romans 12:2 (MSG)  “Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.”
Question: Do you ever find yourself in the position of having so many things going on in your mind that you CAN’T THINK STRAIGHT…  You need to make some important decisions and it seems your mind is crowded and there’s standing room only… or you’re focused, but focused on all the wrong things?
Think: If you’re thinking that you need to check your focus, that you need to check what you’re giving space to in your mind, you’re on the right track.  Guard your mind jealously, because whatever has your mind has you.
Pay Attention: Your mind is too important to give attention to things that will cause you to be redirected AWAY from where you really want to go, from where God intends you to be!  Take a REAL assessment of where you are and what you think about the most... and the direction it’s taking you.  Your mind is used to make the choices that push you in a direction…which direction is up to you…
Anything that poisons you or brings the value of YOU down, has to go…
Whatever dominates your mind is directing you.  Let God be the one that has control of what you think, how you think and the decisions you make…He made you, so He knows how valuable you are….YOU MATTER TO GOD! YOU SHOULD MATTER TO YOU!
We love to hear from you, let us know this message has reached you!
Don’t Stop believing!  God Bless you this week...
Ray Murray

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